Love of Christ Baptist ChurchLove of Christ Baptist ChurchLove of Christ Baptist Church
Oke Afa Isolo, Lagos
Department & Ministries

Love of Christ Baptist Church consists of various ministries which include the men’s Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Youth Ministry and the Children’s Ministry. The basic aims of the ministries are to engage in missionary activities, teach missions, and pray for mission amongst others.

1. Men’s Ministry
 There are two arms of the men’s ministry in Love of Christ Baptist Church and they are the Men’s Missionary Union and the Royal Ambassadors. The Men’s Missionary Union consists of men of age 25 and above while the Royal Ambassadors are from the ages of 10 to 24.

 The membership is made up of:
 Baptist men (age 36 and above)
 Baptist young men (ages 25 – 35)
 Royal Ambassadors (ages 10 – 24)

The objectives of the Men’s Missionary Union are as follows:

To follow the foot steps of Jesus Christ.

To implement and carry out the following basic tasks of mission activities.

To help converts to grow by giving them good examples of Christian living, and teaching and grooming them to form good habits in their prayer life.

To provide loving and effective care for those who are sick in body, mind and soul.

To cultivate fellowship with all who love Jesus Christ by means of the Annual congress, the publication of regular periodicals and other literatures and by such other means as the fellowship may adopt.

To confer with and co-operate with the MMU of the Nigerian Baptist Convention, Gideon 1 Association and the Lagos East Baptist Conference.

To co-operate with Nigerian Baptist Convention in the promotion of the home and foreign mission programmes.

 To promote the works of the Royal Ambassadors in the Church.

2. Women Ministry
 There are four arms of the women’s ministry in Love of Christ Baptist Church and they are the Women’s Missionary Union, Lydia Auxiliary, Girls Auxiliary and the Sunbeam.

WMU Permanent Hymn:

Come,Women, wide Proclaim B/H 629

WMU Permanent Watchword:

1 Corinthians 3:9 “Laborers Together with God.”

The first meeting of this body was in the year 1919 under the leadership of Dns. Akingbala of blessed memory.

3. Children Ministry
 This is a department where children are taught to know the love of God and Jesus. They are exposed to the scriptures for correction, reproof, and understanding and for advice.

4. Evangelism Ministry
 It works directly with the Pastorate/ Deaconate through the church’s evangelism secretary. Its mission is to carry the gospel across natural or cultural barriers and making the gospel acceptable to the people. We also engage in distribution of Tract in the work place, market, inside the buses, to friends/colleagues at work, in the neighbourhood and to people we meet during our day to day activities.

5. Youth Ministry
 The youth fellowship is unique in her composition. It is a fellowship of students, admission seekers, job seekers, the employed, the singles and the married. The youth ministries division is a specialized ministry that has these groups in focus; designing programmes that addresses the teaming needs of the members of the group.

VISION: To reach all the youths for Christ, and position them for effective living and service that reflects the glory of God.


The constitutional objectives of the Nigerian Baptist Convention Youth Conference are:
To cooperate with the Nigerian Baptist Convention in emphasizing its declared principles among the youths
To take the whole Gospel of Jesus to all who do not know it or have not received it, wherever opportunity may be found
To encourage and assist in the building and maintenance of Baptist Youth Centres
To afford a united action concerning matters affecting the welfare of youth fellowships in the Convention and to cultivate fellowship by such other means as the conference may adopt
To invest in any financial undertakings that is for the propagation of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
To prepare the youths as a formidable force to take over the mantle of leadership for the next generation.
We call you to be a part !
Missions: -You may desire to put resources together with the youths for a stronger outreach programme. You may also desire to volunteer yourself or your resources for missions. The youth ministries desire an EVANGELISM BUS for her numerous trips. LCBC Youth programme for Year 2013 Click to download

6. Media/IT Ministry
The Media Team is headed by the church PRO. They use available media tools and materials, and also produce additional materials that will stimulate the members’ spiritual awareness that directs them to Jesus Christ as saviour.
Below are some activities of LCBC Media:
*Website maintenance
*Production of Tract
*Audio/Video Recording of church programmes.
*Projection of message
*Mass dubbing of CD programmes, jingles etc.
*Newsletters/Magazine Production

 1. Digital Camera (Both Video and photo).
 2. Laptop, Computer set including Printer for use.

7. Baptist Student Fellowship Ministry

Because schools are engaged in the quest for knowledge and truth of which God is the Source, the Christian perspective is essential to realize the ultimate in education. The unique nature of the student life and campus community demands a specialized ministry of the church to the individual need of students for redemption and Christian nurture within that community.


• To lead students to a commitment to Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.
• To involve them in the study of biblical truth and Christian discipleship.
• To lead them to relate academic disciplines to their Christian faith.
• To involve them in responsible church membership and denominational understanding and participation.

8. Ushering Ministry

The ministry of ushering is one of the most crucial because it is one of the most visible in the church.

Duties of the Usher

The ministry to which a person is called when he or she becomes a church usher can best be described in the following ways:

1. Greet worshippers, making every attempt to help them feel welcome and at ease.

2. Escort members and guests to their seats.

3. Distribute materials related to the service/meeting such as bulletins, hymnals, handouts, etc.

4. Receive certain offerings, delivering them promptly to the treasury department of the church.

5. Maintain an alertness for any emergency that may arise, relieving the need or contacting the person(s) needed to provide the proper assistance.

6. Direct individuals out of the service/meeting in an orderly fashion (in most instances row by row), leaving the auditorium or room ready for the next service or meeting.

9. Decoration Committee

10. Home Fellowship Ministry